Junior Research Group “Jewish FIlm- What is it?”

‘Jew­ish film’ is a con­cept present in film cul­ture, which was ini­tial­ly pop­u­lar­ized through Jew­ish film days and film fes­ti­vals, and was lat­er expand­ed by a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive through exhi­bi­tions from the 2000s onwards. How­ev­er, sys­tem­at­ic schol­ar­ly analy­sis of the sub­ject mat­ter has yet to be con­duct­ed — in film and media stud­ies as well as in Jew­ish stud­ies. The Junior Research Group address­es the con­tro­ver­sial ques­tion “Jew­ish Film — What is it?” focus­ing on prac­ti­cal film work, film cul­ture and recep­tion. Through four indi­vid­ual projects, the Junior Research Group aims to give con­tours to the sub­ject and to show what is under­stood and per­ceived as ‘Jew­ish film’ in spe­cif­ic his­tor­i­cal and social contexts.

Fund­ing Insti­tu­tion: Post­doc Net­work Brandenburg

Dura­tion: 2020–2024


The research group is fund­ed by the Post­Doc­Net­work Brandenburg