Between Antisemitism and Memory Culture
Self-understanding and Experience of Jewish Filmmakers in the Federal Republic of Germany – Using the Example of Karl Fruchtmann, Imo Moszkowicz and Gyula Trebitsch
The research project “Between Memory Culture and Antisemitism. Self-understanding and Experience of Jewish Filmmakers in the Federal Republic of Germany” contributes to German-Jewish film history by using the exemplary work biographies of film and television creators Karl Fruchtmann (1915–2003), Imo Moszkowicz (1925–2011) and Gyula Trebitsch (1914–2005) and plays a role in establishing the research field of Jewish film in Germany, facilitating a process of coming to terms with and analysing Jewish experiences in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The relationship between Jewish self-understanding and understanding of oneself as a filmmaker is a central aspect. Jewish experiences in the German film and television industry are described and defined within their historical context. A personalised model of media history is developed to challenge the conventional paradigms in previous descriptions of film history, in particular the narrative that there was no Jewish filmmaking in the Federal Republic of Germany after the Holocaust (Shoah) and the established process of attributing Jewishness to individuals. A film-historical perspective that focuses on actors and combines biographical and production history approaches is constructive when analysing these interrelationships. Selected biographies are used to elaborate the self-understanding of Jewish filmmakers and television creators via the contexts of biography, work and film history as well as the places from which they speak, in equal measure.
The project is funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) within the scope of the programme Kleine Fächer – große Potenziale
Duration: 2017 to 2021
Head of Project: Dr. Lea Wohl von Haselberg
Project collaboration: Dr. Julia Schumacher
PODCAST “Zwischen Antisemitismus und magischer Jüdischkeit: Arbeitsbiographien jüdischer Filmschaffender in der BRD”, Julia Schumacher, Lea Wohl von Haselberg, Kammerflimmern und Mediales Rauschen, Online (08. Januar 2021).