Mapping Project

Jewish Film Heritage Database

A broad map­ping of the so far unex­plored field of “Jew­ish film her­itage” in the form of a data­base forms the link between the sub­pro­jects and is intend­ed as a con­crete imple­men­ta­tion of the work­ing def­i­n­i­tion to be devel­oped in the over­all project. The aim of the data­base is to pro­vide an exem­plary overview from the begin­nings of the medi­um of film to the present day.

The aim is to make acces­si­ble a com­pre­hen­sive inven­to­ry of hold­ings with a focus on the Ger­man-speak­ing world that includes films of var­i­ous gen­res and for­mats as well as oth­er film-relat­ed mate­ri­als such as estates, pro­duc­tion files, film posters, press mate­ri­als, and the archives that house them, but also film-cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions such as cin­e­mas, Jew­ish film clubs, film series and film fes­ti­vals as mate­r­i­al sites and imma­te­r­i­al dis­cur­sive spaces. Thus, the project simul­ta­ne­ous­ly focus­es on dis­cur­siviza­tion as “Jew­ish Film Heritage.”
