Antisemitism and Film

A History of Reception. Suggestions for the Analysis of a Complex Interrelationship

The com­plex of anti­semitism and film has rarely been con­sid­ered as an abstract con­nec­tion in research to date. The research project has set the task of struc­tur­ing this opaque field, focus­ing not on depic­tions of Jews, but rather on the dis­course around film. Tak­ing into account his­tor­i­cal, socio­cul­tur­al and media tech­nol­o­gy con­texts, this project analy­ses the ways in which films that are under­stood to be anti­se­mit­ic are dis­cussed and what func­tion is ascribed to the anti­semitism in each case. In explor­ing the struc­tures of argu­men­ta­tion, an ana­lyt­i­cal mod­el guid­ed by recep­tion his­to­ry that includes con­tex­tu­al fac­tors as well as vary­ing posi­tions and read­ings will be devel­oped. Read more


Die Forschungs­gruppe wird vom Post­Doc­Net­work Bran­den­burg gefördert.